This recipe came from my grandmother, who got the recipe from Faye Cox. I don’t know who Faye Cox is, but this is a Jello dessert with several layers. It is probably actually called Strawberry Pretzel Salad. When I first read the title (when transferring recipes here) I thought it was a soft pretzel with strawberry flavor.
Strawberry Cake
This strawberry cake recipe has been used in our family for years. It is one of Susannah’s favorites and usually what we have on her birthday.
Springerle Cookies
Well now I am a little confused. I have two springerle cookie recipes, this one and one called “Mrs. Miller’s Springerle Cookies”. I think this is actually the one that my grandmother used.
Sour Cream Rhubarb Squares
I like rhubarb, but have never made these.
Southern Creole Pralines
I loved these when I bought them at Stuckey’s. These are probably even better, but never made them.
Sorghum Cookies
These cookies are soft and chewy. Make sure you do not over cook.
Soft Gingerbread
Soft Gingerbread ¼ c shortening½ c brown sugar1 egg½ c molasses2 tsp baking powder½ c sour milk/sour cream1½ c flour½ tsp baking soda½ tsp ginger1 tsp cinnamon Cream the shortening.Add sugar slowly, creaming all the time.Add the well beaten egg and...
These are one of my all time favorite cookies. Wish there was a more diabetic-friendly version.
Small Jelly Role
This looks yummy, but never tried because I didn’t want to try to roll cake.
Scotch Krispies
Love this version over the rice crispy treats anyday.